
A portrait of Alex Standiford
Alex Standiford

Something I frequently need in Siren is a flowchart to help explain how different affiliate programs work, so I'm putting together a flowchart block. Making good use of the LeaderLine library and core's group block, as well as an existing card block I already had laying around. Really loving how much less code I'm writing to do simple stuff like flex layouts with full site editing.

#Blocks #FullSiteEditing #ProjectSiren #WordPress

Coding Optional – Part 3: Get started making Blocks quickly with code

Are you ready to get started making Blocks on your clients’ websites? You can do this without being a coding expert. Join Alex in this 3 part series as he walks you through different ways to approach creating WordPress blocks. We’ll start with why you should consider creating and using Blocks compared to the Classic… Continue reading Coding Optional – Part 3: Get started making Blocks quickly with code

Coding Optional – Part 2: Get started making Blocks quickly with plugins

Are you ready to get started making Blocks on your clients’ websites? You can do this without being a coding expert. Join Alex in this 3 part series as he walks you through different ways to approach creating WordPress blocks. We’ll start with why you should consider creating and using Blocks compared to the Classic… Continue reading Coding Optional – Part 2: Get started making Blocks quickly with plugins

Coding Optional – Part 1: Get started making Blocks quickly

Are you ready to get started making Blocks on your clients’ websites? You can do this without being a coding expert. Join Alex as he walks you through different ways to approach creating WordPress blocks. We’ll start with why you should consider creating and using Blocks compared to the Classic Editor and help you get started quickly creating Blocks without code.

That's all. Here's a banana 🍌